
Random Pictures

Well, this is my last week with Abigail until I go back to work. I'm so sad, I don't even want to think about it. I had the opportunity to go back to Sprint, so that's what I'm doing. The health benefits, 401k and PTO time are things I just couldn't pass up. As much as I hate mean customers sometimes, the company is great to work for.

So our Internet connection is finally back up to speed so I can upload pictures now. Here are a few from the last week or so.

Starting to hold onto toys

Enjoying a relaxing stroll outside

At Aunt Jessica's Birthday party

Abigail's 2 mth. photo for her baby book


♥ 2 Months Already ♥

Abigail is going to be 2 months old on the 27th !!! I cannot believe it! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home. Now our little girl is sleeping through the night ( most nights ) and she is starting to do really well with taking naps so I can get some work done. 

Looks like Ill be going back to work here soon. Most likely the first week in May. Marshall's grandmother will be watching her on the days we both work. 

Abby is starting to use her voice box a lot more. She coo's and screams when she gets excited. It's the cutest thing. She smiles when you greet her in the morning. She loves laying on her changing table. She will lay there and be content just staring at the walls and all her stuffed animals on the shelf. She is starting to turn her head when she hears my voice. I'm so proud of her. I'm having issues uploading pictures again, so Ill post more later. 


Easter cont...

Ok here are some more pics....

Me and Abby. The picture is blurry and it makes me sooooo mad!!

Abby's cousin AJ and his first Easter Egg Hunt walking around with mommy


Abby's First Easter

Ok, I must say I'm very upset at our camera. Their is a setting that was changed somehow and now almost all of our pictures are blurry. So, we didn't get that many Easter pictures that turned out good. Abby did great at Aunt Jo's house. She is still too young to go Easter egg hunting but next year she should be old enough. She took two good naps for us yesterday and slept pretty well through the night. Sometimes she wakes up for her night feeding and sometimes she doesn't. Haven't really figured out what makes her decision but oh well, I'm not complaining. 
So enjoy some photos below and in the meantime, I have to try and figure out my camera.....or buy a new one :)

This is at Aunt Jo's house while she opens her Easter gift from her Great Grandma

This was before we left the house. I tried to get a good picture of her in her Easter dress, but she can't hold herself up too well. The animals are Easter gifts from her grandparents. 

I will have to upload more later because Blogger is acting up now.....


1 Month Check Up

Our little girl has grown soooo much in the last month. She now weighs 9 lbs. 14 oz. ! That's 2 pounds she has gained since birth. Her health is great. Poor thing did not like her shot in her leg today. She screamed and I cried :( . But she is ok now, sleeping away. Speaking of sleep, she had been doing VERY well with sleeping through the night recently. I'm not getting my hopes up, but for the past 3 days she has been sleeping between 5-6 hours strait! And take 2 good naps during the day too. I love it! I finally have time to do homework and eat lunch. 

The Proofs Are In !

We FINALLY got the digital rights to Abigail's photos today. We have been waiting for almost two weeks! Below are the web files of the images we chose. I must brag though; the photographer loved the picture of Abby in the hat that she used it for her next promotional post card design that she hands out for advertisements. She also will be putting some of her pictures up in a doctor's office at Robinwood Medical Center, which happens to be Marshall's doctor for display with a few other babies. Maybe she's on her way to Hollywood...(we would never do that ). 

If you would like to get prints made of any of the images below DON'T copy these on the blog because they have her logo on them and the file is not print quality. All you have to do is email me ( bellawool@gmail.com ) and let me know which ones you would like and I will email you the print file that you can then take to Target, Walmart or where ever to have prints made in whatever size you want. There is a site which the photographer recommended to us to get prints made. It's called mpix.com. This is the site that she uses for her own prints. They are VERY reasonably priced. I suggest looking their first because you can just upload the image to their site and they will send the prints in the mail to you. 


Random Pictures

Here are some more random pictures from this week. Abby is now 4 weeks old! Man, where is the time going?

Tummy Time


Bath Time

First nap in crib

I'm trying to slowly get Abby use to sleeping in her crib. Here is a picture of her first nap I took yesterday. Looks comfy to me. She only stayed asleep for about 1/2 hours though.

Who Does She Look Like?

For anyone who has had a hard time wondering who Abigail looks like, maybe this will clear things up for you....

Abby on the left, Marshall on the right