
The Proofs Are In !

We FINALLY got the digital rights to Abigail's photos today. We have been waiting for almost two weeks! Below are the web files of the images we chose. I must brag though; the photographer loved the picture of Abby in the hat that she used it for her next promotional post card design that she hands out for advertisements. She also will be putting some of her pictures up in a doctor's office at Robinwood Medical Center, which happens to be Marshall's doctor for display with a few other babies. Maybe she's on her way to Hollywood...(we would never do that ). 

If you would like to get prints made of any of the images below DON'T copy these on the blog because they have her logo on them and the file is not print quality. All you have to do is email me ( bellawool@gmail.com ) and let me know which ones you would like and I will email you the print file that you can then take to Target, Walmart or where ever to have prints made in whatever size you want. There is a site which the photographer recommended to us to get prints made. It's called mpix.com. This is the site that she uses for her own prints. They are VERY reasonably priced. I suggest looking their first because you can just upload the image to their site and they will send the prints in the mail to you. 


Erica :o) said...

I hope that she gave you a discount for using the photos for her promo items! Or at least a free BIG print. I love these pictures!!

mrs.notouching said...

The pictures are AMAZING! She is such a beautiful baby.