
Cloth Diapering

Ok, before you call us crazy hippies. Just listen first. Cloth diapering has come a long way. They aren't what your grandmother used back in the 60's. Their are a lot of really cool options for the 'modern' family. We decided to cloth diaper because, well we aren't rich and thought we could save some major cash and also because we do care about the environment and don't want Abby to have to build her home on a landfill one day. 

So after extensive research and lots of thought, we decided to go withe the Bum Genius 3.0 brand. Check 'em out at www.bumgenius.com. At first glance you might say " holy crap they are expensive !" Well sure they are. $18 for one diaper is crazy. But did you actually sit down and do the math and research? I did and this was the best option for us. Yeah we had to invest a lump sum in the beginning but it's well worth the price in comparison to buying disposables

These diapers are one size. Meaning they will fit her from the time she is 8 pounds till she is potty trained. The best part is if well kept, they will last through multiple children! How can you go wrong? Of course their will be the occasional road trip where we will have disposables on hand just for convenience but Abby will be a 95% Bum Genius baby. 

Below is a picture of the design. Oh and if you click here you can see all the pretty colors they come in and some user reviews as well. 

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