
Blog Makeover

So I have some time today since Marshall is back to work this week to give this blog a face lift. The address has changed and I added a playlist but it only has one song so far. Hopefully the next time I update, we will have some pictures of a little girl name Abigail! Send labor vibes my way please !!!


40 weeks and overdue!

Well we had our 40 week appointment today. I was due two days ago. I figured I would be late, but I tried to stay optimistic about it. Turns out I'm dilated to 2cm now. Little progress from last week. My blood pressure was really high so the doctor does not want me to go too long before we induce ( something I really didn't want to do ) . So, we scheduled an induction for March 2nd ( the last possible date I was allowed to choose ). We are hoping and praying that I go on my own before then. The doctor did say that I have a very favorable cervix for induction and he is fully confident that I will have a safe and happy vaginal birth without a c-section intervention. But of course, you never know what could happen. 


Abby or Abbi ?

We are having a conflict that needs resolved rather soon. I like Abby and Marshall likes Abbi. So what do you all like? 

Anderson Photographs

We already have Abigail's first photo shoot set up. Scheduled for March 15th. This woman takes the best newborn pictures I have ever seem. She lives in Boonsboro. Here is her website so you can check out her work. The picture above is my favorite pose. I can't wait to get this pose with Abby! 

39 week Appointment

As I lay here on the couch, I cannot imagine doing this everyday. I had planned on working up until labor hit, but those plans soon changed this week. It all started with extreme lower pressure and the feeling that my hips were cracking. Then, as if that wasn't painful enough, I came down with a horrible head cold. Sore throat, headache, runny nose and overall achy feeling. So that caused me to loose sleep last night which in return caused me to miss work today. I have done nothing but lay on this couch and watch TV. I'm starting to rethink my stay at home mom future plans. I just don't think I could do it. 

As far as the doctor's appointment I had on Tuesday, I'm dilated 1.5 cm and 50% effaced so far. No change from last week in case your wondering. This basically means that I'm not ready to go into labor. With my due date being only 3 days away, I'm starting to warm up to the idea that I'm going to be late. Maybe we will have a March baby after all. Who knows. The doctor did assure me, however, that they will not allow me to go over 10 days past due. So their is an and in sight!

For now, you can enjoy this lovely picture below of Marshall getting some practice on how to hold a baby :)